Sunday, October 15, 2017

Chapter #6: Family Counseling as God's Council on Earth

Resource:  Successful Marriages and Families, Hawkins, Dollahite, Draper. "Chapter 19, Sanctification and Cooperation," Lambert, Nathan M. 

Councils are the Genius of God's Government

Elder Ballard, in his book, Counseling with our Councils: Learning to Minister Together in the Church and in the Family,  "Come now,” said the Lord in an earlier dispensation through the prophet Isaiah, ‘and let us reason together’ (Isa. 1:18). And in this dispensation, He repeated that admonition: ‘Let us reason together, that ye may understand” (D&C 50:10)’.”  

In my reading for this week about counsels I heard several points that resonated in my heart about family, ward and auxiliary counsels and I wish I had incorporated them thirty-five years ago.


Being able to learn the genius of God’s government when a couple is young and before the couple has formed habits can help them be prepared to handle the challenges that come instead of leaving them wondering what needs to be done.”


VIDEO:  Elder Skousen mentioned the miracles of counsel of the Founders of the US Constitution.  

I therefore beg leave to move, that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of the City be requested to officiate in that service.Mr. Sherman (from Connecticut) seconded the motion.
  • Begin family councils with prayer.
  • Do not dictate—let God be the authority.
  • Identify the problem – Solicit responses
  • Approaching the problem in free and open discussion-frankly.
  • Listen to one another
  • Listen to the Spirit
  • Garner suggestions, asking for insight and input.
  • Invite participation and learning.
Elder Eyring's testimony of councils from that video moved me as he looked at councils with his "Harvard, Stanford eyes."  As he spoke of the sanctity of including God I was touched by the Spirit.  
Then I listened to Elder Ballard speak of the strength of councils.  He said, "Thankfully, most of our fathers and priesthood officers lead with love, just as most of our mothers and auxiliary leaders do. Leadership based on love brings incredible power. It is real, and it generates lasting results in the lives of our Father’s children."
Being able to learn the genius of God’s government when a couple is young and before the couple has formed habits can help them be prepared to handle the challenges that come instead of leaving them wondering what needs to be done.”
Neal A Maxwell  says that “in the little kingdom of a family, each spouse freely gives something the other does not have and without which neither can be complete and return to God's presence. Spouses are not a soloist with an accompanist, nor are they two solos. They are the interdependent parts of a duet, singing together in harmony at a level where no solo can go.”

Ballard, Russel M., "Counseling with our Councils," (April 1994), 
Ballard, Russel M., "Strength in Councils,"  (Oct., 1993)

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